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Qnergy Launches PG1201 to fill the Mid-Range Market void in Oil and Gas Remote Power

While demand for mid-range power increases, major Oil and Gas companies were left underserved. Especially in the 500W-2,000W remote power segment.

Qnergy, the world’s leading clean technology manufacturer of Stirling energy systems, announces the PG1201 Generator package, designed to provide prime power between 500W to 2,000W, with the industry’s lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

The mid-power range is becoming a cost driver in many applications such as upstream well-pad automation and midstream cathodic protection. PG 1201 covers the need for reliable, low-maintenance, remote power in that range. The PG1201 Total Cost of Ownership is $30 per watt over a three year period, which is about 50% of the competition.

Development of the PG1201 was partly funded by the ARPA-E GENSETS (Generators for Small Electrical and Thermal Systems) program. The first public roll-out of the generator package was at the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit on July 9, 2019, in Denver, Colorado.

PG1201 has undergone months of testing at Qnergy’s manufacturing facility in Ogden, Utah. It is now being deployed on beta sites for leading Oil and Gas companies. The PG1201 system complements the larger PG5650, which covers higher power ranges of 2,000W to 6,000W.

The PowerGen (PG) series uses the same base technology that was recently recognized by NASA as setting “The longest-running heat engine ever built.” (https://www.spaceflightinsider.com/space-centers/glenn-research-center/it-keeps-going-and-going-stirling-engine-test-sets-long-duration-record-at-nasa-glenn/)

“Customers told us about a variety of unmet remote-power needs in the mid-power range, especially as some vendors moved out of this challenging sector,” said Dr. Ory Zik, Qnergy’s CEO. “For us, this was a reason to get into the sector. We have spent about two years with key customers to make sure that we designed a solution that meets their electricity needs while providing the proven reliability benefits of the PowerGen series, at the lowest possible Total Cost of Ownership to our customers.” He added. “We are thrilled to launch the solution that our customers asked for.”

Utah-based Qnergy is the world’s leading clean technology manufacturer of Stirling energy systems. Qnergy provides reliable remote power generators for the 500W-10,000W range to help customers improve operational efficiency, decrease operating cost and reduce emissions. Qnergy’s Stirling generators are an enclosed system that requires no lubrication, maintenance or repair, delivering tens of thousands of hours of uninterrupted operation.

Contact Information: Dr. Ory Zik, CEO;   +1 617.943.3215;   ory.zik@qnergy.com


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