The new standalone package furthers Qnergy’s ability to help the Natural Gas Industry achieve EPA-specified zero methane emissions at wellpads anywhere.

Qnergy Inc., the award winning methane abatement solutions provider and foremost manufacturer of clean, reliable, electric power utilizing Stirling engine technologies, announced today its grid-tied compressed air package (CAP) solution offering.
According to the EPA’s Estimates of Methane Emissions by Segment in the United States, in 2020, 35% of the Oil and Gas Industry’s methane emissions from energy production came from venting through pneumatic controllers.
Qnergy’s CAP solutions, already widely in use at off-grid wellpads in the U.S., provide clean, dry instrument air to the Natural Gas Industry to eliminate methane venting from wellpad pneumatic control systems.
Qnergy’s off-grid solutions solve the challenge of delivering CAP at off-grid wellpads via its PowerGen offering, a proprietary free piston Stirling generator with proven 100% methane destruction capability.
Driven by customer demand, Qnergy now announces its grid-connectable CAP solutions.
As with our off-grid systems, these grid-tied systems are weather hardened and tested by multiple operators across a full year of service test cycles to ensure operation across even the most extreme climate and temperature conditions. Further, each CAP system provides double redundancy to provide always-on methane abatement.
Qnergy’s combination of off- and on-grid products and capabilities now enables the Natural Gas Industry to effectively abate methane at all wellpads anywhere to achieve both zero emissions standards and capture the economic value of otherwise vented natural gas.
The impact of our innovative solutions is shown through Qnergy internal data demonstrating that our clients are effectively abating methane at an average of 21 tons per year (tpy) per wellpad with some ranging as high as 200 tpy.
Moreover, Qnergy delivers this capability cost effectively. Given current market gas prices, Qnergy’s price of solution moves from low cost to actual positive gain at >$5/MMBTU market price. With coming penalties for methane emissions, it is now, more than ever, profitable for the Natural Gas Industry to actively pursue net zero methane emissions at all wellpads, off- or on-grid.
Further, a Qnergy CAP solution can effectively convert up to 100 pneumatic controllers into net zero methane operation, enabling clients to effectively expand wellpad operations for greater economic return per wellpad. Natural gas owner/operators can now achieve net zero emissions at both new and legacy, grid tied, or off-grid wellpads with increasing profitability.
“The grid-tied line of products announced today is part of our overall strategy to provide full methane abatement solutions to the natural gas industry. These systems meet the same quality and reliability standards as our off-grid packages” Said Ory Zik, Qnergy’s CEO. “The grid-tied systems are built in our newly expanded manufacturing facility in Utah with the goal of helping the industry meet the EPA’s methane ruling at minimal cost” he added.
Through its proven technology offerings and continuing innovation, Qnergy is committed to helping the Natural Gas Industry achieve net zero emissions across all its pneumatic operations at all wellpads anywhere.