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Methane Abatement Webinar: Eliminating Emissions from Gas Pneumatics Now Available

Eliminating methane emissions from gas pneumatics is a key aspect in the race to eliminate methane emissions from the natural gas value chain. In this webinar, recognized energy industry expert Dr. Robert Kleinberg of the Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy discusses the magnitude of the compliance challenge. Qnergy’s Chief Technology Officer Dr. Isaac Garaway presents Qnergy’s market leading solutions and lessons-learned from more than a thousand deployments in the U.S. and Canada, both on- and off-grid. Mediated by Daniel Palmer of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative, this fascinating webinar details the what and how of pneumatic controllers and why they are important to achieving net zero methane emissions in the energy industry. Importantly, a proven and powerful solution for methane mitigation is shown and discussed including future steps needed to be taken.

In this webinar, attendees learn:
• About pneumatic controllers and why the millions of these very small devices matter so much today.
• How pneumatic controllers are responsible for almost 20% of all upstream and midstream oil and gas methane emissions.
• Past and current regulations to try mitigate this type of methane emission, lessons learned, and what it means going forward for industry today.
• A technology solution gaining currency in the industry which will play a major role in achieving net zero methane emissions at the well pad and elsewhere.

Keywords: methane abatement, pneumatic controller, natural gas, wellpad, Stirling engine, compressed air pneumatics, cathodic protection, EPA, regulatory

Dr. Isaac Garaway, CTO of Qnergy, received his Ph.D. in Engineering from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Dr. Garaway is a recognized world expert in Stirling engine technology with multiple publications and patents in the area. Dr. Robert Kleinberg is a Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University and a Senior Fellow at Boston University. Prior, he spent 37 years in energy research at Schlumberger, a Fortune 500 company providing technology and services to the Energy industry. Dr. Kleinberg received his Ph.D. in Physics from U.C. San Diego.

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